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      html+css+js-web designer,html5

      html+css+js-web designer,html5

      • Sizes: 34.96MB
      • Version: 2.7
      • Update: 2022-10-25
      Install by Apple Store

      html+css+js-web designer,html5 Screenshot

      html+css+js-web designer,html5
      html+css+js-web designer,html5
      html+css+js-web designer,html5
      html+css+js-web designer,html5
      html+css+js-web designer,html5

      html+css+js-web designer,html5 Description

      This is a html,css,javascript programming language learning app,you can learn,write,share html,css,javascript code. Features : Autocomplate. Auto Indent. Code color. Horizontal screen development. Code templates,the contents of the new file is copy from contents of the template file. *You can enter html,css,javascript code by keyboard. *You can adjust the code color and font size , and support to move the cursor left and right and up and down , easy to read and write. *You can find learning materials by the built-in browser . *You can save html,css,javascript code and learning materials, and can be modified to the save file and delete the save file . *The file system supports txt, pdf, chm, mp3,m4v,zip, gif, png, html, py ,doc... *You can control the background image and color, background animation, text color and shadow, switch interface animation , the number and the order of the main interface of the tab bar to create your learning software. *You can Learn html,css,javascript knowledge , the system provides some basic learning materials . *You can use html,css,javascript code or learning materials to generate two-dimensional code , for easy sharing . *You can share code by Email,Weibo,Twitter,Facebook. *You can use the counter,light in the Setting tab.

      html+css+js-web designer,html5 Information

      Name html+css+js-web designer,html5

      Developer XiaoWen Huang

      Version 2.7

      Update 2022-10-25

      Languages EN,ZH

      Size 34.96MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 8.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      html+css+js-web designer,html5
      html+css+js-web designer,html5
      html+css+js-web designer,html5
      html+css+js-web designer,html5
      html+css+js-web designer,html5



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