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    Download Tweaks and Hacks from Panda Helper

    How to Download Electra Jailbreak When Tweakbox Electra Not Working?

    Electra is a free jailbreak tool for iOS 11.0 – 11.4.1. It was finally released with full Cydia support. It Substituted a Cydia Substrate alternative that allows the OS to load custom Dynamic Libraries and inject the code into processes, meaning “tweaks work” in English. We would like to show you how to download and install Electra jailbreak on your devices.

    Many third-party iOS app platforms provide Electra with a certificate, such as tweakbox. But sometimes the tweakbox Electra is not working and cannot be opened. Where can we download the Electra app that can replace the tweakbox? Firstly, let’s figure out why the tweakbox Electra not working.

    electra jailbreak

    Why is Tweakbox Electra Not Working?

    If Apple finds this app to be something it doesn’t approve of, it will revoke the app certificate. If tweakbox Electra not working, it means Apple has revoked the developer certificate of tweakbox Electra. Then tweakbox Electra, and tweakbox itself can’t be opened with a pop-up said “Unable to Verify App.” We need to wait until the tweakbox re-signs it, which is why it takes a lot of time. But now you can download tweakbox Electra from Panda Helper, an excellent alternative to the tweakbox app. Panda Helper VIP is working well currently. And it provides many more pretty cool tweaked apps.

    Download Electra Jailbreak for Free

    First, you must install Panda Helper to get Electra for your Device because you can’t get Electra from the iOS app store.

    1. Open Safari and go to Panda Helper’s official website. When the website is loaded, then download the “Free Web Version.”

    Panda Helper free web version

    2. Follow the guide on the phone and install the Panda Helper app. Now launch Panda Helper, search for Electra and install it.

    download electra jailbreak on Panda Helper

    3. Now, Electra is ready to jailbreak.

    Electra Support Devices

    It’s compatible with all iOS devices running iOS 11.0-11.4.1.

    Necessary: Make sure to delete the OTA update, install the tvOS profile (only install the tvOS profile on iOS), and reboot before using Electra!

    How to Electra Jailbreak iOS 11.2-11.4.1

    1. Run the Electra jailbreak application from your home screen. There you can see the “Jailbreak” button; tap on it.

    How to use Electra Jailbreak iOS 11.2-11.4.1

    2. If you see the “APFS Snapshot Created “message, click “continue jailbreak” to go on.

    How to use Electra Jailbreak iOS 11.2-11.4.1-2

    3. You can now run Cydia from your home screen.

    Cydia on iPhone

    Cydia screenshot

    Due to the jailbreak being Semi-tethered jailbreak, Cydia crashed after the iPhone reboot. You need to re-activate the jailbreak state, and open Electra jailbreak again.

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