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    Fortnite Season 6 Week 4 Challenges

    Here are all the Fortnite Challenges that will be released tomorrow for Week 4 of Chapter 2, Season 6.

    New challenges are released weekly in Fortnite, and completing each Epic Challenge this season award you 24,000 XP. A Legendary Challenge is also released every week, but this challenge is only available for a week before being replaced by another one the following week. Even though there is only one Legendary Challenge released, there are five different stages to the challenge, and you can earn XP for completing each stage.

    The challenges in Fortnite are released on Thursdays, and the challenges for Week 4 of Fortnite Chapter 2, Season 6 have already been leaked by data miners you can see which challenges you will need to complete below.

    Fortnite Season 6, Week 4 Challenges

    Here are the Epic Challenges you will need to complete tomorrow, Thursday 8th April, at 3 pm BST:

    • Set structures on fire (10)
    • Search chests (7)
    • Eliminate opponents with weapons of Rare rarity or higher (3)
    • Shockwave wildlife using a shockwave grenade or bow (1)
    • Tame wildlife (1)
    • Deal damage to opponents with The Recycler (300)
    • Revive a teammate (1)

    Most of the challenges for this week are self-explanatory and pretty straightforward to complete. One of the additions made by Epic to Fortnite this season was to add wildlife. The wildlife you can tame is the wolves, boars, and raptors (dinosaurs). We will let you know how to tame these animals when the challenges go live in the game to help you complete the challenge quickly.

    Week 4 Legendary Challenge

    The Legendary Challenge for this week can be seen below:

    Deal damage with Primal weapons (2,500, 5,000, 7,500, 10,000, 12,500)
    The numbers in the brackets show you exactly how much damage you need to deal with Primal weapons to complete the stage. As previously mentioned, you will be awarded XP for completing each stage, 35,000 XP for the first stage, and 24,500 XP for the rest of the stages.

    Video Guide of Download Fortnite

    How to Install Fortnite

    1. You must download and install Panda Helper first. How to install Panda Helper?

    2. Launch Panda Helper, and search for Fortnite. If you search for more than one result, click in and see the description of each result to see if the hack features provided are what you need.

    3. Now enjoy Fortnite!


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