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    Apple releases AirPods Pro Replacement Program

    AirPods Pro Replacement Program is underway

    Apple has officially launched AirPods Pro replacement program for soud issues. Affectted unites were manufactured before October 2020. If your AirPods Pro has one or two of the following behaviors, the Airpods Pro(left, right, both) excluding AirPods models and the AirPods Pro case will get serviced at no cost from Apple or an Apple Authorized Service Provider:

    1. Crackling or static sounds that increase in loud environments, with exercise or while talking on the phone.

    2. Active Noise Cancellation not working as expected, such as a loss of bass sound, or an increase in background sounds, such as street or airplane noise.


    How to Get the Service

    1. Select one of the service option to make your Airpods Pro serviced.

    2. They will examine your Airpods to confirm whether your Airpods Pro is eligible for this program.

    3. If your Airpods Pro(left, right or both) has a confirmed issue after examination, it will be replaced.

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