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    Pokemon Go Won’t Support Old iOS and Android Devices in October

    Pokemon Go Won’t Support Old iOS and Android Devices in Octorber

    Pokemon Go has announced that it won’t support parts of old iOS and Android devices in the October update of Pokemon Go. They will end support for Android 5, iOS 10 and iOS 11, and iPhone 5s and iPhone 6 devices. If you are using them, please prepare to upgrade in advance.
    From Pokemon Go official notice, players with those devices and systems will have no access to Pokemon Go on October upate. But from some experienced Pokemon Go players, you might be able to open October update of Pokemon Go, but it won’t work well and normally as usual. If meeting bugs on Pokemon Go, it won’t be supported by Niantic.

    Why does Pokemon Go make this decision?

    Pokemon Go gives an official explaination: most of players migrate from older operating systems and devices to the news one and they want to focus resources on new operating systems like iOS 14.

    If you are using those devices, remember to prepare in advance in case you can’t enjoy Pokemon Go after updating.

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