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    Slay the Spire will Roll out on iOS in June

    Slay the Spire will release its iOS version this month. The launch price will be at $9.99. Its development team Mege Crit just tweeted it a few hours ago. Slay the Spire is a roguelike deckbuilding game released on Steam platform and gets 97% overwhelmingly positive reviews! It fused card and roguelikes together.


    For the exact launch time of Slay the Spire iOS version, the team of Slay the Spire said, if you would like to know it, tune in to the Guerrilla Collective show on June 6th, which is online digital games festival to reveal new games trailers, gameplay and new announcements from different hottest developers and publishers.


    Guerrilla Collective will be held 3 days from 10 AM Pacific June 6th to June 8th. Here are the ways to tune in to this festival.

    First: https://www.twitch.tv/guerrillacollective

    Second: https://store.steampowered.com/

    Here is the list of the involved publishers and studios. Maybe there is one you are interested in.


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