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      Scene Creator - Storyboard app

      Scene Creator - Storyboard app

      • Sizes: 282.06MB
      • Version: 1.02
      • Update: 2020-04-27
      Install by Apple Store

      Scene Creator - Storyboard app Screenshot

      Scene Creator - Storyboard app
      Scene Creator - Storyboard app
      Scene Creator - Storyboard app
      Scene Creator - Storyboard app
      Scene Creator - Storyboard app

      Scene Creator - Storyboard app Description

      Scene creator is the perfect app to plan your next story; Quickly build scenes with images and scripts. Bring your story to life, re-arrange scenes and shots as story evolves and finally share your story as PDF. Scene creator is easy to use tool to create storyboards for your next video, movie, commercial, book, graphic novel, poster, comics and more. Create scenes and characters with pose editor Scene Creator comes with powerful pose editor. You can pose realistic human models and animals (horse, dog and cat). Create thousands of unique characters with our powerful morphing system. Our base male and female models comes with hundreds of individual morphs, that allow you to create your own truly unique characters. You can transform your model from child to an adult, skinny to muscular or make it fat, pregnant, creature etc. App comes with wide variety of 3D objects that you can add to your scenes. Choose from weapons, vehicles, furniture, plants or from primitive shapes. Import images to really bring your scene to alive! Select existing photos from your device and you are good to go. Use images as such, as backdrops of your 3D scene or as background of your drawings. Create or edit images by drawing. App comes with basic drawing tool which you can use to add hand drawings, notes, arrows for motion etc to existing images. Or you can draw the whole sketch by hand. Share your storyboard. Convert your whole storyboard to PDF-file and share it with others. Background image used in preview video: Photo by Taras Kasich on Unsplash

      Scene Creator - Storyboard app Information

      Name Scene Creator - Storyboard app

      Developer Tomi Nevalainen

      Version 1.02

      Update 2020-04-27

      Languages EN

      Size 282.06MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 9.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Scene Creator - Storyboard app
      Scene Creator - Storyboard app
      Scene Creator - Storyboard app
      Scene Creator - Storyboard app
      Scene Creator - Storyboard app



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