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      Sweatcoin Walking Step Counter

      Sweatcoin Walking Step Counter

      • Sizes: 226.57MB
      • Version: 151.1
      • Update: 2023-04-13
      Install by Apple Store

      Sweatcoin Walking Step Counter Screenshot

      Sweatcoin Walking Step Counter
      Sweatcoin Walking Step Counter
      Sweatcoin Walking Step Counter
      Sweatcoin Walking Step Counter
      Sweatcoin Walking Step Counter
      Sweatcoin Walking Step Counter
      Sweatcoin Walking Step Counter

      Sweatcoin Walking Step Counter Description

      The AppStore №1 and top-rated for your iPhone and Apple Watch, Sweatcoin app converts your steps into gadgets, sports and fitness kit, services and experiences. 5 Stars ► “Such a great concept and executed excellently. Gets me walking and rewards me for it too!” by Woo123789 “Basically pays you to move and exercise, and it costs nothing to use.” - Men’s Journal “The easiest way to make some side cash by doing what you already do naturally — walking.” - TheNextWeb “New UK health app Sweatcoin launched in the Apple app store this week and has been an instant hit.” - Forbes “New Apple app launches in Britain that pays people to get fit” - Reuters “If ever you’ve needed an incentive to exercise, a new app could give you a much-needed boost to get active.” - Telegraph Sweatcoin converts your steps into currency units called, as you might have guessed it, sweatcoins. You can then spend them on goods, services and experiences on our market place with our partners or exchange them with your friends and family for whatever you fancy. The fitter and healthier you become the wealthier you get. Movement has value! Sweatcoin uses your HealthKit step history data to continuously improve our algorithms and provide you with better offers at the right time. If you're on iPhone 6S or lower, we will need your consent to use your GPS location, so we can verify your steps and award you sweatcoins for them. You can find Sweatcoin Terms of Use here:

      Sweatcoin Walking Step Counter Information

      Name Sweatcoin Walking Step Counter

      Category Medical

      Developer Sweatco Ltd

      Version 151.1

      Update 2023-04-13

      Languages AR,EN,FR,DE,ID,IT,JA,KO,PT,ES

      Size 226.57MB

      Compatibility Requires iOS 12.1 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

      Other Original Version

      Angry Birds Journey Hack Information

      Sweatcoin Walking Step Counter
      Sweatcoin Walking Step Counter
      Sweatcoin Walking Step Counter
      Sweatcoin Walking Step Counter
      Sweatcoin Walking Step Counter
      Sweatcoin Walking Step Counter
      Sweatcoin Walking Step Counter



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