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    Pokemon Porygon and Charmander Won Pokemon Go Community Day Vote!

    Pokemon Porygon and Charmander Won Pokemon Go Community Day Vote!

    Pokemon Go Community Day Vote was for Pokemon trainers to vote for the Pokemons that trainers would like them to appear on September and Octorber Community Day. There were 4 candidates: Charmander, Caterpie, Grimer and Porygon.
    From the vote result, trainers would like Porygon and Charmander more than Caterpie and Grimer. Porygon had 55.3% approval rate; Charmander 36.6%; Caterpie 4.1%; and Grimer 3.9%. Therefore, according to the rule of Pokemon Go Community Day Vote, Porygon and Charmander won the vote as the approval rates are 55.3% and 36.6% respectively. They will come on September and Octorber Community Day.
    Pokemon Porygon will appear on September Community Day and Charmander is coming on October Community Day! Remember to catch them and evolve them during the Community Day. They will get high successful rate to evolve and catch than normal! Don’t miss it.

    Speaking of Pokemon Go, if you want a hack version to play Pokemon Go at home without going out, a hack version of Pokemon Go is available on Panda Helper. This verson called Pokemon GO++ iSpoofy has free joystick, teleport, IV list, encounter IV Checker (10 Times Free Trial), enhanced throw and auto-Generate GPX. Download it on Panda Helper.

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