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    YouTube iOS picture-in-picture feature will be available to all U.S. users

    YouTube is now offering all users the ability to watch videos using picture-in-picture mode, which shrinks the video player to a small floating screen on a phone or tablet.

    This feature is not limited to premium customers, as some had previously speculated, although those premium customers will get picture-in-picture support first.

    Youtube picture in picture feature tweet

    Android users have been using YouTube’s picture-in-picture mode for some time now, and it’s becoming increasingly useful as devices become larger, higher-resolution displays that leave plenty of room for using more than one app at a time.

    With picture-in-picture, people can watch videos in a small corner of the device’s display while doing other things like browsing social media, sending messages, or playing games.


    In recent months, there have been concerns that YouTube would not offer picture-in-picture mode only to paid premium subscribers on iOS, but that’s not the case.

    The feature is now rolling out to all iOS users in the U.S., with premium users getting it first and then free users seeing it soon. Some iOS users already have access to the YouTube picture-in-picture feature.

    The feature is most useful on larger iPhone models, where there is enough screen space to watch videos in the mini player and do other things at the same time. Of course, you can also choose to watch YouTube on a larger screen like screencast YouTube to TV so that you can get on with other things on your phone.  A detailed tutorial to teach you how to screen mirror iPhone to PC and how to use screen mirroring on mobile.

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