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    Niantic responds to player protests over Pokemon GO Hack iOS rules change

    Niantic recently removed the social distance feature from Pokemon Go Hack iOS, which meant players had to get closer to spin Pokestops or fight in Gyms.

    The smaller radius means people need to come together and some players say they have to get closer than they did before the pandemic. As cases increase across the US and people who are vaccinated are told to wear masks, the removal of this feature seems blind to reality.

    Many fans feel that Niantic has not listened to them, thus forcing them to undertake this boycott. When Niantic announced these new monsters on Twitter yesterday, players used the hashtag #BoycottNiantic to show their displeasure.

    In response, Niantic explained that given the current health recommendations in New Zealand and the US, these rule changes are only being rolled out in those countries.

    Pokemon GO Hack iOS rules

    Download Pokemon Go hack iOS by iPogo from Panda Helper

    First of all you need to install Panda Helper to get Pokemon Go hack iOS by iPogo for your Device, because you can’t get Pokemon Go hack iOS by iPogo from the iOS app store.

    Step 1: Open Safari and go to Panda Helper official website.

    Step 2: Tap on the Download button.

    If you are not the VIP member of Panda Helper, you have two choices: to be the VIP member or try Panda Free version.
    download Pokemon Go hack iOS by iPogo

    For a better experience, we recommend that you consider joining the Panda Helper vip membership.

    Step 3: If you are already the Panda Helper VIP user, click on the text link below the Download button.
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    Step 4: Follow the prompts to install the panda helper profile so that panda can successfully obtain your VIP expiration date.
    download Pokemon Go hack iOS by iPogo 2

    Step 5: Once the profile is installed, go back to the Panda Helper official website to download the Panda Helper VIP app.

    Step 6: Search for Pokemon Go hack iOS by iPogo in Panda Helper and download it.
    download Pokemon Go hack iOS by iPogo 3

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