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    How Do You Install AppSync Unified After Jailbreak?

    AppSync Unified is supposed to be installed after jailbreaking devices because AppSync Unified is a tweak that allows people to install apps’ IPA packages. If you don’t install AppSync Unified, so you can’t download app IPA files successfully.

    AppSync Unified is updated to 90.0, which is to support iOS 14. For people using Checkra1n to jailbreak their iOS devices with iOS 14, you can install unsigned, fake signed, or ad-hoc signed IPA packages on iOS devices after installing the newest AppSync Unified tweak. Therefore, AppSync Unified tweak supports iOS 5.0 to 14.8.1.

    [Update: AppSync Unified tweak for iOS 14.5 on Panda Helper Repo ]
    [Update: AppSync Unified tweak for iOS 14 on Panda Helper Repo ]
    [Update: AppSync Unified tweak for iOS 14.4.2 on Panda Helper Repo ]

    How to Install AppSync Unified From Panda Helper Repo

    Notice: If you have installed this tweak, you may not see it on Panda Helpr Repo. Uninstall and reinstall it from Panda Helper Repo.

    Panda Helper Repo is the jailbroken version of Panda Helper on iOS devices. And you can use Panda Helper Repo in Cydia.

    Tutorial: How to Use Panda Helper Repo in Cydia?

    First, add AppSync Unified Source.

    Tap Cydia > Source > Edit > Add (on the left upper corner)

    Add AppSync Unified

    Then, enter “https://apt.pandahelp.vip”

    enter cydia

    Wait to add it. Then, go to Panda Helper’s Repo and download AppSync Unified tweak.

    AppSync Unfied supporting A12 works for iOS 14.3.
    AppSync Unified is situable for devices earlier than iOS 14.
    AppSync Unified for iOS 14 support iOS 14 – iOS 14.5.

    AppSync Unified for iOS

    Check it. Tap Cydia > Installed to check whether it is installed successfully.

    Installed cydia

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    If you need help, contact: panda.helper.com@gmail.com

    Relative Articles About Jailbreak:


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